Fish Fry Rice

水稻鱼苗 (Fish Fry Rice) - New


Fish - 500 gm    Rice - 250 gm    Chinese Salt - 1 tbsp    Soya Sauce - 3tsp
Vinegar - 3 tbsp    Sugar - 2 tbsp    Spring Onion - 2

1. Boil rice and pour it on clean surface.
2. After 3 hours you can use rice as a fried rice.
3. Take a bowl add fish in it add all spices and mix it well.
4. Take a wok add oil and fry fish in it and add boil rice and mix it and serve it.
5. Your Fish Fry Rice are ready.

红虾 (Red Prawns) - New


Prawns - 500 gm    Chili Sauce - 1 tbsp    Soya Sauce - 1 tsp    Lemon Juice - 1 tbsp
Chinese Salt - 1 tsp    Ketchup - 1/4 cup    Corn Flour - 1 tsp    Garlic - 2    Chili Oil - 2 tbsp

1. Take a wok add oil in it add ginger, spring onion, chili sauce stir it.
2. Take prawns add soya sauce, chili sauce, lemon juice, chinese salt, flour and mix it well.
3. Now Add this mixture in ginger and spring onion mixture in wok and fry it.
4. When it is cooked, add ketchup in it and mix it and serve it. If you want some sauce then add 1/4 cup water in it.
5. Your Red Prawns are ready.

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